Where to find the Hickory Flat Garlic Co?

On most Saturday mornings, you can find the Hickory Flat Garlic Co at the Canton Farmers market in Downtown Canton, Ga. The market is at Brown Park. We normally set up at the corner of Church and Elizabeth Streets; in front of the Canton Municipal Building.


We generally set up by 8:30 and hopefully you will smell our basil and garlic wafting in the air as you approach!


This spring, we have been taking preorders via our facebook page http://facebook.com/hickoryflatgarlic. Notices about what we bring to the market that week are generally posted late Wednesday or early Thursday.








The support from the citizens of the City of Canton and Cherokee County has been absolutely amazing. We love sharing our knowledge of garlic with each one of you. Our hope is that you are enjoying the garlic basil as well as our other fresh offerings.


About us:

Hickory Flat Garlic Company is a locally grown, minority owned, small farm specializing in garlic, basil and other select vegetables. We are certainly “Georgia Grown” and practice all natural methods of growing our products.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you!
While gardening, and specifically growing garlic, brings us the most joy, make no mistake, at the Hickory Flat Garlic Company, we strive to help make others better, make others want to be better, and beyond that, we want to help everyone pass that feeling along.

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