Blunders and Wonders…Our General Garden Blog

We certainly love growing garlic at the Hickory Flat Garlic Company. But that’s not the only thing we are passionate about. We do enjoy being in the garden, growing other produce, such as tomatoes, peppers, carrots, beets, watermelons, pumpkins and onions. From time to time we will experiment with other vegetables. With every experiment comes success and failures. We don’t look at our failures purely as failures however, we look at them as opportunities to grow and learn. We like to call that failing forward. We thought it would be great to share some of those experiences here.

We certainly don’t know it all and are on an everlasting search for knowledge that will help us be 1% better every day. So please feel free to comment and share your thoughts on our articles as we post them. Thanks for stopping by! now go grow something!!!